Final Options Illinois

Calendar of Events

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updated July 12, 2017

Final Options Illinois
815-366-7942 or 224-565-1500
1055 W. Bryn Mawr #F212
Chicago IL 60660-4692
Twitter:  @FinalOptionsIL
Final Options Illinois on YouTube

Illinois End of Life Options Coalition
And on Facebook

Compassion and Choices

Death With Dignity National Center

Final Exit Network

ERGO -- website of Hemlock Society founder Derek Humphry

Dying With Dignity Canada

Screening of "How To Die In Oregon":

Saturday August 19, 2017, 1:00 pm -- at the Champaign Public Library, 200 West Green Street, Champaign

Here's the flyer for the showing.

Please join us for a screening of this fascinating and award-winning documentary.  The film follows several terminally-ill Oregon residents who are taking advantage of Oregon's wonderful aid-in-dying law, together with scenes from the successful 2008 campaign to establish the right to aid-in-dying in Washington state.  The film makes overwhelmingly clear what our movement is about and why it is so important.  Highly recommended.  A discussion will follow the screening. 

Sponsored by the Death With Dignity Group of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Urbana-Champaign (, the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Champaign County, and Final Options Illinois.  Admission free.

Health & Medicine Policy Research Group 2017 Awards Gala
honoring activists and professionals making important strides toward health equity and social justice.

Friday, October 13, 2017 -- at the Chicago Cultural Center, 78 East Washington
Reception 5:30 / Program 6:30

Info at